I'm dealing with COVID brain fog this week. I hope yours and mine lift soon.
Likewise on yoga studios since 2020. I could see attending yoga again, but reading this it dawned on me that my choir singing days may be over for good.
I'm dealing with COVID brain fog this week. I hope yours and mine lift soon.
Likewise on yoga studios since 2020. I could see attending yoga again, but reading this it dawned on me that my choir singing days may be over for good.
I'm dealing with COVID brain fog this week. I hope yours and mine lift soon.
Likewise on yoga studios since 2020. I could see attending yoga again, but reading this it dawned on me that my choir singing days may be over for good.
Festivus for the rest of us. Shred that hill!
I commented on your cool tree over on LWON.
Oh, John, I'm so sorry to hear it. May we both recover quickly.
Thank you, Kate.