There's an irreverent light, always in any darkness. That's what keeps me going, and I can see it in your writing too.

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Jan 18Liked by Kate Horowitz

tragic optimism gang rise up

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Jan 18Liked by Kate Horowitz

Beautifully written, I love it entirely.

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Jan 18Liked by Kate Horowitz

Loved this. The "tears of things" made me think of Shinto-- which would say there are tears (💧) in things bc there is life in all things

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Jan 18Liked by Kate Horowitz

“Even if it isn’t, we can still do something. We can still help each other.”

This feels so important as we move through life together with our tears and tears. 💙💙💙

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Jan 18Liked by Kate Horowitz

Thank you, Kate, for this and for the nudge to catch up with LWON.

Viktor Frankl has been on my mind too. Perhaps it's the time we're in, where we're struggling to find the meaning in the suffering.

I'm glad you're here.

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